Org-Mode Woof! tracker



Priority Vote Subject From Date Related Refs Status
0 [FR] Should we resolve environment variables in the file link path when exporting? (was: [FR] Please add environment variable substitution in `org-display-inline-images') Ihor Radchenko 6/1/23 2 6
0/2 [TASK] Please help updating blog generator list on Ihor Radchenko 1/11/24 1 4
0 [FR] Add buffer-local setting to request specific ESS process/session name (was: [PATCH] Set Python shell in Org edit buffer) Ihor Radchenko 1/10/24 2 16
0 [POLL] Bug of Feature? Attack vector via deceiving link abbrevs (was: [ANN] Emergency bugfix release: Org mode 9.7.5) Ihor Radchenko 6/28/24 1 3
0 [TASK] Making org-src buffers sync with real files to allow LSP and other dev tools integration (was: [PATCH] LSP support in org-src buffers) Ihor Radchenko 7/27/23 1 1
0 [POLL] ob-C: Should we allow saving compiled src block to specified binary excecutable? (was: [RFC/PATCH] naming src/bin files in ob-C.el) Ihor Radchenko 5/15/23 1 2
0 [TASK] Documenting ob-fortran, ob-forth, ob-sed, ob-ocaml, ob-ruby, and ob-sass (was: [TASK] Move babel backend docs from WORG to Org manual) Ihor Radchenko 12/14/24 2 4
0 [POLL] Org Speed commands for lists Ihor Radchenko 6/4/23 1 2
0 [POLL] Should we accept breaking changes to get rid of Org libraries that perform side effects when loading? (was: org-ctags land grab) Ihor Radchenko 3/25/23 1 51
0 [FR] Side-by-side images during export (was: [BUG] Org-mode Side-by-Side Images [9.5.3 (release_9.5.3-3-gd54104)]) Ihor Radchenko 2/13/23 1 2
0 [POLL] Use compat.el in Org? (was: Useful package? Compat.el) Ihor Radchenko 1/27/23 6 32
0 [FR] yank media: allow customization of absolute path a filter for type candidates pinmacs 9/16/24 2 13
0 [FR] relative buffer-local path to bib for org-cite biblatex Panayotis Manganaris 5/12/23 1 2 🟦
0 [RFC] latex preview and pdflatex-only packages (was: org-latex-preview, pNiceArray (running latex twice)) Ihor Radchenko 8/15/24 1 12
0 [POLL] [BUG] Inverse behavior from \ <space> [9.6.4 (release_9.6.4-1-g76cf21 @ /Users/johnw/.emacs.d/lisp/org-mode/lisp/)] Ihor Radchenko 6/12/23 2 7
0 [FR] Allow SPC to scroll todo/tag selection menu - for users with huge accessible fonts (was: Transient: accessibility problems for users who need to use large fonts (was: [RFC] The best way to choose an "action" at point: context-menu-mode, transient, which-key or embark? (was: Fwd: Org-cite: Replace basic follow-processor with transient menu?))) Ihor Radchenko 12/19/24 3 2
0 [FR] Automatically display images in resutls of evaluation (was: [PATCH v4.0] Re: [PATCH] add a function to only refresh inline images under current headline instead of global buffer) Ihor Radchenko 8/18/24 1 4
0 [POLL] Proposed syntax for timestamps with time zone info (was: [FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda) Ihor Radchenko 1/31/23 1 81
0 [FR] Allow emojis in tags (was: emojis in tags?) Ihor Radchenko 2/10/23 1 2
0 [FR] Should Org provide commonly used link types? (was: Link from orgmode file to E-Mail (using kmail or notmuch)) Ihor Radchenko 1/25/23 1 6
0 [FR] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda Ihor Radchenko 1/14/23 1 1
0 [RFC] Insert reference to Org table cell or cell range from region selection (w/without mouse) Ihor Radchenko 10/20/24 1 3
0 [FR] Allow to #+include files verbatim without any processing (was: Have export treat file: paths in INCLUDED file relative to the INCLUDING file's dir) Ihor Radchenko 2/28/23 1 13
0 [FR] org-babel-n-tangle Phil 7/12/24 1 3
0 [FR] Please add custom command variable to org-latex-footnote-reference Alexander Gogl 12/5/23 1 4
0 [FR] Allow customizing blank lines in-between when creating footnote definitions (was: "Footnote" section line spacing is weird) Ihor Radchenko 8/20/23 1 1
0 [FR] Allow BC years in timestamps (was: [FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda) Ihor Radchenko 1/17/23 1 1
0 [FR] Add an option to use ID links during tangling Evgenii Klimov 7/28/23 1 2
0 [FR] Tangling code blocks inside encrypted subtrees Ihor Radchenko 1/18/24 1 1
0 [POLL] Mark all the tags in HTML export with unique class (was: Adding a class to the auto-inserted <br> elements) Ihor Radchenko 9/9/24 1 5
0 [FR] Re: language-specific org-babel-noweb-wrap-start? Ihor Radchenko 10/2/23 1 1
0 [TASK] Allow customizeable ditaa executable in ob-ditaa.el (was: org-ditaa woes) Ihor Radchenko 10/21/23 1 12
0 [FR] Make notion of "modification time" configurable during publishing Suhail Singh 9/20/23 1 1
0/7 [FR] plain list fold all top level items Samuel Wales 2/6/23 1 1
0 [POLL] Change calling convention for when `org-link-file-path-type' is set to custom function (was: Enhancement Proposal for 'org-link-file-path-type' Behavior) Ihor Radchenko 1/16/24 1 3
0 [FR] Allow starting multiple org-timers in sequence (was: Feature mostly complete) Ihor Radchenko 9/15/24 1 3
0 [FR] Support sessions in ob-emacs-lisp via IELM Ihor Radchenko 6/14/24 1 1
0 [FR] Respect `org-bibtex-headline-format-function' in `org-bibtex-create' (was: org-bibtex manual) Ihor Radchenko 7/21/23 1 1
0 [POLL] Will it be ok to allow HABIT property inheritance? (optionally) (was: [BUG] org-habit does not respect STYLE property inheritance) Ihor Radchenko 5/4/23 2 9
0 [FR] Allow flattened imenu index (was: [PATCH] Add new option 'org-imenu-flatten') Ihor Radchenko 12/9/23 1 15
0 [RFC] LaTeX - automatically configure encoding when exporting non-Latin languages Ihor Radchenko 2/2/24 1 3
0 [POLL] ob-R, ob-julia: Should we force-disable ess-ask-for-ess-directory? (was: [BUG] Relative filenames for graphics output in ob-R.el [9.8-pre (release_9.7.4-80-g7fa169)]) Ihor Radchenko 6/27/24 1 10
0 [TASK] Ensure built-in babel backend consistency (standard header support) and ad documentation to the manual (was: [Pre-PATCH v2] Add the capability to specify lexical scope in tangled files (was: Add new :lexical header argument)) Ihor Radchenko 7/16/23 1 4
0 [TASK] Please help updating parser list on Ihor Radchenko 1/11/24 1 1
0 [FR] Org babel: mixing multiple outputs (was: Output of R code block: only text or plot but not both? And only one "result" can be output?) Ihor Radchenko 6/5/24 1 3
0 [FR] Append wrapped results from babel block (was: Appending results from babel block) Ihor Radchenko 1/30/24 1 1
0 [POLL] We plan to remove #+LINK: ...%(my-function) placeholder from link abbreviation spec (was: [ANN] Emergency bugfix release: Org mode 9.7.5) Ihor Radchenko 6/28/24 1 8
0 [FR] Allow searching by outline path in file: links to Org files [file:<filename::*parent heading::*child] (was: org-store-link relative to parent headings) Ihor Radchenko 10/13/24 1 2
0 [FR] Allow end date and max repeat count for timestamps with repeaters (was: [FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda) Ihor Radchenko 1/14/23 1 5
0 [RFC] The best way to choose an "action" at point: context-menu-mode, transient, which-key or embark? (was: Fwd: Org-cite: Replace basic follow-processor with transient menu?) Ihor Radchenko 12/13/24 3 39
0 [FR] ob-awk.el specifying a delimeter argument in for output Jeremie Juste 3/5/23 1 5
0 [FR] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda Ihor Radchenko 1/14/23 1 1
0 [FR] org-read-date-style Zoey Hewll 2/17/25 1 1
0 [FR] Add C-u and C-u C-u prefix arguments to org-paste-subtree (was: Make org-paste-subtree more predictable and useful) Ihor Radchenko 1/20/23 1 6
0 [POLL] Should org-copy/cut/paste-special handle inlinetasks specially? (was: BUG: org-cut-special on inlinetask kill until point-max) Ihor Radchenko 8/17/23 1 1
0 [FR] Use empty ***** heading to indicate folding depth in org-cycle for a subtree (was: new org mode, changed folding behavior could be improved / more consistent) Ihor Radchenko 2/13/23 2 1
0 [POLL] Any users setting `org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance' to nil or other non-default value? Ihor Radchenko 1/4/24 1 2
0 [TASK] Rewriting org-pcomplete into capf backend (was: Completions Registry) Ihor Radchenko 12/27/24 1 2
0 [FR] Auto-adjusting table formulas in org-table-transpose-table-at-point Ihor Radchenko 10/7/23 1 1
0/1 [FR] Adding explicitly negative :results Type option Weaver Marquez 6/4/24 1 2
0 [TASK] Move babel backend docs from WORG to Org manual Ihor Radchenko 12/10/24 2 11
0 [FR] Enhancing footnote managment (via indirect buffer)? Andrea Lazzarini 5/22/23 1 6
0 [FR] STARTUP: hidechecked 11/8/23 1 4
0 [FR] ox-latex: Display exit status of LaTeX compilation command (was: Bug: org-latex-export-to-pdf does not remove .tex file [9.4 (9.4-elpa @ /home/bruno/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.4/)]) Ihor Radchenko 2/18/23 1 1
0 [TASK] Re: Link translation & relative path export_file_name Ihor Radchenko 11/5/23 1 1
0 [FR] place a header from an archive file back in its original location Ihor Radchenko 6/17/24 1 1
0 [FR] stable literal hrefs in HTML export of direct links and usage of link description instead of numbered links in case of shortend link syntax Gregor Zattler 8/20/24 1 4