Org-Mode Woof! tracker



Priority Subject From Date Related Refs Status
🟨 [FR] Should we preserve point when calling `org-open-at-point' (C-c C-o) on a heading (was: [BUG] Point position with org-open-at-point on a heading [9.6.6 (release_9.6.6 @ /usr/local/share/emacs/29.1/lisp/org/)]) Ihor Radchenko 9/23/23 2 5 🟥
🟨 [BUG] org-table-eval-formula mishandles semicolons in formulas [9.7-pre (release_9.6.14-1019-g5092ec @ /home/nick/src/emacs/org/org-mode/lisp/)] Nick Dokos 1/12/24 1 4 🟥
[FR] Should we resolve environment variables in the file link path when exporting? (was: [FR] Please add environment variable substitution in `org-display-inline-images') Ihor Radchenko 6/1/23 2 6
[TASK] Please help updating blog generator list on Ihor Radchenko 1/11/24 1 4
[FR] Add buffer-local setting to request specific ESS process/session name (was: [PATCH] Set Python shell in Org edit buffer) Ihor Radchenko 1/10/24 2 16
[POLL] Bug of Feature? Attack vector via deceiving link abbrevs (was: [ANN] Emergency bugfix release: Org mode 9.7.5) Ihor Radchenko 6/28/24 1 3
[TASK] Making org-src buffers sync with real files to allow LSP and other dev tools integration (was: [PATCH] LSP support in org-src buffers) Ihor Radchenko 7/27/23 1 1
[FR] Please add environment variable substitution in `org-display-inline-images' Pan Xie 5/28/23 2 12 🟥
[POLL] ob-C: Should we allow saving compiled src block to specified binary excecutable? (was: [RFC/PATCH] naming src/bin files in ob-C.el) Ihor Radchenko 5/15/23 1 2
[TASK] Documenting ob-fortran, ob-forth, ob-sed, ob-ocaml, ob-ruby, and ob-sass (was: [TASK] Move babel backend docs from WORG to Org manual) Ihor Radchenko 12/14/24 2 4
[POLL] Org Speed commands for lists Ihor Radchenko 6/4/23 1 2
[POLL] Should we accept breaking changes to get rid of Org libraries that perform side effects when loading? (was: org-ctags land grab) Ihor Radchenko 3/25/23 1 51
[FR] Side-by-side images during export (was: [BUG] Org-mode Side-by-Side Images [9.5.3 (release_9.5.3-3-gd54104)]) Ihor Radchenko 2/13/23 1 2
[POLL] Use compat.el in Org? (was: Useful package? Compat.el) Ihor Radchenko 1/27/23 6 32
[FR] yank media: allow customization of absolute path a filter for type candidates pinmacs 9/16/24 2 13
[FR] relative buffer-local path to bib for org-cite biblatex Panayotis Manganaris 5/12/23 1 2 🟦
[RFC] latex preview and pdflatex-only packages (was: org-latex-preview, pNiceArray (running latex twice)) Ihor Radchenko 8/15/24 1 12
[FR] Hello Bastien Guerry 5/12/24 1 1 🟥
[POLL] [BUG] Inverse behavior from \ <space> [9.6.4 (release_9.6.4-1-g76cf21 @ /Users/johnw/.emacs.d/lisp/org-mode/lisp/)] Ihor Radchenko 6/12/23 2 7
[FR] Allow SPC to scroll todo/tag selection menu - for users with huge accessible fonts (was: Transient: accessibility problems for users who need to use large fonts (was: [RFC] The best way to choose an "action" at point: context-menu-mode, transient, which-key or embark? (was: Fwd: Org-cite: Replace basic follow-processor with transient menu?))) Ihor Radchenko 12/19/24 3 2
[FR] Automatically display images in resutls of evaluation (was: [PATCH v4.0] Re: [PATCH] add a function to only refresh inline images under current headline instead of global buffer) Ihor Radchenko 8/18/24 1 4
[POLL] Proposed syntax for timestamps with time zone info (was: [FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda) Ihor Radchenko 1/31/23 1 81
[FR] Org mode project page: add familiar links for newcomers Ihor Radchenko 2/8/24 1 3 🟥
[FR] Allow emojis in tags (was: emojis in tags?) Ihor Radchenko 2/10/23 1 2
[TASK] Enhance Worg HTML styling (was: [BUG] is outdated) Bastien Guerry 1/4/23 1 6 🟥
[FR] Should Org provide commonly used link types? (was: Link from orgmode file to E-Mail (using kmail or notmuch)) Ihor Radchenko 1/25/23 1 6
[FR] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda Ihor Radchenko 1/14/23 1 1
[RFC] Insert reference to Org table cell or cell range from region selection (w/without mouse) Ihor Radchenko 10/20/24 1 3
[FR] Allow to #+include files verbatim without any processing (was: Have export treat file: paths in INCLUDED file relative to the INCLUDING file's dir) Ihor Radchenko 2/28/23 1 13
[FR] org-babel-n-tangle Phil 7/12/24 1 3
[FR] Test - please ignore Bastien 5/9/24 1 1 🟥
[FR] Please add custom command variable to org-latex-footnote-reference Alexander Gogl 12/5/23 1 4
[FR] Fontifying src-blocks with no language specified 2/16/23 3 5 🟥
[FR] Allow customizing blank lines in-between when creating footnote definitions (was: "Footnote" section line spacing is weird) Ihor Radchenko 8/20/23 1 1
[FR] Allow BC years in timestamps (was: [FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda) Ihor Radchenko 1/17/23 1 1
[FR] Add an option to use ID links during tangling Evgenii Klimov 7/28/23 1 2
[FR] Tangling code blocks inside encrypted subtrees Ihor Radchenko 1/18/24 1 1
[POLL] Mark all the tags in HTML export with unique class (was: Adding a class to the auto-inserted <br> elements) Ihor Radchenko 9/9/24 1 5
[FR] Re: language-specific org-babel-noweb-wrap-start? Ihor Radchenko 10/2/23 1 1
[TASK] Allow customizeable ditaa executable in ob-ditaa.el (was: org-ditaa woes) Ihor Radchenko 10/21/23 1 12
[FR] Make notion of "modification time" configurable during publishing Suhail Singh 9/20/23 1 1
[FR] plain list fold all top level items Samuel Wales 2/6/23 1 1
[POLL] Change calling convention for when `org-link-file-path-type' is set to custom function (was: Enhancement Proposal for 'org-link-file-path-type' Behavior) Ihor Radchenko 1/16/24 1 3
[FR] Test Bastien Guerry 5/9/24 1 1 🟥
[FR] Allow starting multiple org-timers in sequence (was: Feature mostly complete) Ihor Radchenko 9/15/24 1 3
[FR] Support sessions in ob-emacs-lisp via IELM Ihor Radchenko 6/14/24 1 1
[FR] Respect `org-bibtex-headline-format-function' in `org-bibtex-create' (was: org-bibtex manual) Ihor Radchenko 7/21/23 1 1
[POLL] Will it be ok to allow HABIT property inheritance? (optionally) (was: [BUG] org-habit does not respect STYLE property inheritance) Ihor Radchenko 5/4/23 2 9
[RFC] If you use Org 9.6, please share the output of M-x org-element-cache-hash-show-statistics Ihor Radchenko 2/9/23 1 18 🟥
[FR] Allow flattened imenu index (was: [PATCH] Add new option 'org-imenu-flatten') Ihor Radchenko 12/9/23 1 15
[RFC] LaTeX - automatically configure encoding when exporting non-Latin languages Ihor Radchenko 2/2/24 1 3
[POLL] ob-R, ob-julia: Should we force-disable ess-ask-for-ess-directory? (was: [BUG] Relative filenames for graphics output in ob-R.el [9.8-pre (release_9.7.4-80-g7fa169)]) Ihor Radchenko 6/27/24 1 10
[TASK] Ensure built-in babel backend consistency (standard header support) and ad documentation to the manual (was: [Pre-PATCH v2] Add the capability to specify lexical scope in tangled files (was: Add new :lexical header argument)) Ihor Radchenko 7/16/23 1 4
[TASK] Please help updating parser list on Ihor Radchenko 1/11/24 1 1
[FR] Org babel: mixing multiple outputs (was: Output of R code block: only text or plot but not both? And only one "result" can be output?) Ihor Radchenko 6/5/24 1 3
[FR] Append wrapped results from babel block (was: Appending results from babel block) Ihor Radchenko 1/30/24 1 1
[POLL] We plan to remove #+LINK: ...%(my-function) placeholder from link abbreviation spec (was: [ANN] Emergency bugfix release: Org mode 9.7.5) Ihor Radchenko 6/28/24 1 8
[FR] Allow searching by outline path in file: links to Org files [file:<filename::*parent heading::*child] (was: org-store-link relative to parent headings) Ihor Radchenko 10/13/24 1 2
[FR] Allow end date and max repeat count for timestamps with repeaters (was: [FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda) Ihor Radchenko 1/14/23 1 5
[RFC] The best way to choose an "action" at point: context-menu-mode, transient, which-key or embark? (was: Fwd: Org-cite: Replace basic follow-processor with transient menu?) Ihor Radchenko 12/13/24 3 43
[FR] ob-awk.el specifying a delimeter argument in for output Jeremie Juste 3/5/23 1 5
[FR] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda Ihor Radchenko 1/14/23 1 1
[FR] org-read-date-style Zoey Hewll 2/17/25 1 2
[FR] Add C-u and C-u C-u prefix arguments to org-paste-subtree (was: Make org-paste-subtree more predictable and useful) Ihor Radchenko 1/20/23 1 6
[POLL] Should org-copy/cut/paste-special handle inlinetasks specially? (was: BUG: org-cut-special on inlinetask kill until point-max) Ihor Radchenko 8/17/23 1 1
[FR] Use empty ***** heading to indicate folding depth in org-cycle for a subtree (was: new org mode, changed folding behavior could be improved / more consistent) Ihor Radchenko 2/13/23 2 1
[POLL] Any users setting `org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance' to nil or other non-default value? Ihor Radchenko 1/4/24 1 2
[FR] Do not resolve relative "file" paths Ruijie Yu via General discussions about Org-mode. 3/27/23 1 5 🟥
[TASK] Rewriting org-pcomplete into capf backend (was: Completions Registry) Ihor Radchenko 12/27/24 1 2
[FR] Auto-adjusting table formulas in org-table-transpose-table-at-point Ihor Radchenko 10/7/23 1 1
[FR] Adding explicitly negative :results Type option Weaver Marquez 6/4/24 1 2
[TASK] Move babel backend docs from WORG to Org manual Ihor Radchenko 12/10/24 2 11
[FR] Enhancing footnote managment (via indirect buffer)? Andrea Lazzarini 5/22/23 1 6
[FR] STARTUP: hidechecked 11/8/23 1 4
[FR] ox-latex: Display exit status of LaTeX compilation command (was: Bug: org-latex-export-to-pdf does not remove .tex file [9.4 (9.4-elpa @ /home/bruno/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.4/)]) Ihor Radchenko 2/18/23 1 1
[TASK] Re: Link translation & relative path export_file_name Ihor Radchenko 11/5/23 1 1
[FR] place a header from an archive file back in its original location Ihor Radchenko 6/17/24 1 1
[FR] stable literal hrefs in HTML export of direct links and usage of link description instead of numbered links in case of shortend link syntax Gregor Zattler 8/20/24 1 4
Re: [PATCH] org-element-timestamp-interpreter: Return daterange anyway, if DATERANGE is non-nil  (patch) Ilya Chernyshov 7/11/23 3 2
Re: PATCH for worg about cb_thunderlink (Re: Link from orgmode file to E-Mail (using kmail or notmuch))  (patch) Bruno Barbier 2/2/23 2 8
Re: [BUG] org-gnus-follow-link tries to select dead frame [9.8-pre (release_9.7.15-163-g3ff21c.dirty @ /home/bidar/.local/etc/emacs/lib/org/lisp/)]  (patch) Björn Bidar 3/18/25 1 1
Re: [PATCH] Justify/align image previews in org-mode  (patch) Karthik Chikmagalur 12/19/23 1 2
Re: [BUG] error wholenump in org agenda on reschedule [9.6.1 (9.6.1-??-fe92a3c @ /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.config/emacs/.local/straight/build-28.3/org/)]  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 7/4/23 1 1
[PATCH 0/4] Structure editing when region is active Ihor Radchenko 1/15/23 2 15 🟥
[PATCH] org-manual: Add references to LaTeX docs (was: New Orgmode LaTex Document Class ?)  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 8/3/23 1 3
Re: [POLL] Dealing with +1m/y repeaters when jumping to impossible date (should 05-31 +1m be 07-01 or 06-30?) (was: Leap-year bug with todo-cycle)  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 5/13/24 1 13
Re: [ANN] lisp/ob-tangle-sync.el  (patch) Mehmet Tekman 5/17/23 5 26
Re: Customize list of blocks that use "\footnotemark" in `org-latex-footnote-reference'  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 12/25/24 1 1
Re: [BUG] org-agenda-later sometimes creates a void display [9.7.11 (release_9.7.11 @ /usr/local/share/emacs/31.0.50/lisp/org/)]  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 1/11/25 2 5
[PATCH] org-archive.el: Fix org-add-archive-files to correctly de-duplicate Anand Deopurkar 3/2/24 1 2 🟥
[PATCH] [DISCUSSION] Force `tab-width' to be 8 in Org mode (was: COUNTER-SET for alphabetical ordered lists ignored for utf-8 exporter)  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 10/20/23 1 2
Re: [ANN] lisp/ob-tangle-sync.el  (patch) Mehmet Tekman 5/10/23 5 25
Re: [fr] refile goto: push mark in the target buffer first  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 7/6/24 1 6
Re: [possible patch] Remove the '\\[0pt]' string from the last line of a verse block in LaTeX export  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 1/18/24 2 16
Re: [PATCH] testing: Delete duplicate tests  (patch) Ilya Chernyshov 2/9/24 2 2
Re: [BUG] org-gnus-follow-link tries to select dead frame [9.8-pre (release_9.7.15-163-g3ff21c.dirty @ /home/bidar/.local/etc/emacs/lib/org/lisp/)]  (patch) Björn Bidar 3/15/25 1 1
[PATCH] org-manual: Mark up nil as ~nil~ [9.6.6 (release_9.6.6 @ /home/blc/.local/share/emacs/30.0.50/lisp/org/)]  (patch) Basil L. Contovounesios via General discussions about Org-mode. 6/1/23 1 2 🟥
Re: [BUG] org-plot: Unable to use text xtics with type:2d (+ more) [9.7-pre (N/A @ /home/viz/lib/emacs/straight/build/org/)]  (patch) Visuwesh 6/13/24 4 5
Re: [PATCH] org-user-idle-seconds: Add support for logind  (patch) Nathaniel Nicandro 3/23/23 2 2
Re: [DRAFT PATCH v2] Decouple LANG= and testing (was: Test failure due to LANG)  (patch) Ruijie Yu via General discussions about Org-mode. 4/23/23 3 3
[PATCH] ob-calc: Format vector and matrix results as Org table  (patch) Visuwesh 12/13/24 2 6 🟥
[PATCH v5] org.el: Warning for unsupported markers in `org-set-emphasis-alist'  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 2/2/23 1 6
[PATCH] ob-core: Fix `org-babel-result-names' hrdl 10/16/23 1 2 🟥
Re: org-cite: how to force a reparsing of the .bib file  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 8/23/23 1 4
Re: [PATCH v5] Inline image display as part of a new org-link-preview system  (patch) Karthik Chikmagalur 9/18/24 8 21
Re: [PATCH] Add tests for ob-haskell (GHCi)  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 3/24/23 8 15
Re: [PATCH] testing: Delete duplicate tests  (patch) Ilya Chernyshov 11/11/23 7 8
Re: May we have a variant of display-buffer-reuse-window that considers indirect buffers?  (patch) martin rudalics 12/18/24 4 16
Re: [BUG] Attachments not resolved correctly from symlinked Org files  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 6/4/24 1 2
Re: [DISCUSSION] Add "Recent News" to  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 3/8/24 1 3
[PATCH] org-agenda.el: Fix org-agenda-write to avoid duplicates Anand Deopurkar 3/3/24 1 2 🟥
Re: Radio links work only in small numbers  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 2/19/24 1 1
[PATCH 2/3] lisp/org.el: Fix docstring for S-cursor commands Evgenii Klimov 6/30/23 1 1
Re: [PATCH] Introduce "export features"  (patch) Timothy 2/20/23 2 7
Re: [PATCH] lisp/org-collector.el: Add support for TBLFM  (patch) Slava Barinov 2/22/25 5 13
[PATCH] ox-html.el: Fix relative links with :html-link-use-abs-url  (patch) Akira Kyle 6/17/23 1 3 🟥
ox-latex.el: fix blank lines behavior in verse block  (patch) Juan Manuel Macías 8/6/23 5 22
Re: [PATCH] ob-lua: Support all types and multiple values in results  (patch) Rudolf Adamkovič 6/14/24 2 2
[PATCH v5] ob-tangle.el: Blocks overwrite each other when grouping before tangling  (patch) Evgenii Klimov 7/26/23 2 2
Re: [FR] :noweb-wrap header arg  (patch) Amy Grinn 5/22/24 2 5
Re: [BUG] org-plot: Unable to use text xtics with type:2d (+ more) [9.7-pre (N/A @ /home/viz/lib/emacs/straight/build/org/)]  (patch) Visuwesh 6/18/24 4 2
Re: [PATCH] ox-texinfo: Support numeric values of `toc' in `#+OPTIONS'  (patch) Rudolf Adamkovič 9/3/24 2 5
[PATCH v6] Re: Improve the performance of `org-set-tags-command` on large `org-tag-alist`  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 1/9/24 1 2
Re: [BUG] Hard-coded and inconsistent todo states in org-agenda.el [9.7-pre (release_9.6.12-934-g4d72f3 @ /home/rst/Devel/org-mode/lisp/)]  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 12/11/23 2 3
Re: [BUG] WORG example for ob-lilypond is no longer working as described (was: Moving some lisp/ob-*.el files to org-contrib - your advice?)  (patch) Jonathan Gregory 8/16/23 3 2
Re: Should org-link-parser add type "file" when link has no "file:" prefix?  (patch) Joseph Turner 12/30/23 2 1
[PATCH v3] Add compat.el support to Org (was: [POLL] Use compat.el in Org? (was: Useful package? Compat.el))  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 4/3/23 4 1
PATCH for worg about cb_thunderlink (Re: Link from orgmode file to E-Mail (using kmail or notmuch))  (patch) Bruno Barbier 1/31/23 2 12
Re: [BUG] org-plot: Unable to use text xtics with type:2d (+ more) [9.7-pre (N/A @ /home/viz/lib/emacs/straight/build/org/)]  (patch) Visuwesh 6/13/24 4 6
Re: [patch] ob-clojure: Fix results output  (patch) Daniel Kraus 3/13/23 5 12
Re: ob-octave: improve MATLAB support  (patch) John C 11/13/24 1 8
Re: Adding text/org MIME type to jshttp/mime-db  (patch) Joseph Turner 8/10/24 1 6
Re: [PATCH] lisp/org.el: allow org-return to call org-open-at-point on citations  (patch) Bruno Cardoso 5/22/23 2 2
[RFC] [feat] org-colview/org-columns: 'column view' moving rows up/down  (patch) Sławomir Grochowski 4/6/23 1 9
[PATCH] Add yank-media handler for LibreOffice Calc tables  (patch) Visuwesh 10/14/24 3 23
Re: [BUG] issue with texmathp [9.6 (release_9.6-22-g78d283 @ /home/jds6696/.emacs.d/straight/build/org-mode/)]  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 1/7/23 1 4
Re: [BUG][SECURITY] ob-sqlite header args allows execution of arbitrary shell commands  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 8/21/23 4 5
Re: [PATCH] ob-lua: Support all types and multiple values in results  (patch) Rudolf Adamkovič 6/14/24 2 8
Re: [PATCH] Add next-error support to org-lint report buffer  (patch) Malcolm Purvis 12/27/24 2 6
[PATCH 3/4] org-metaup, org-metadown: Move subtrees in active region Ihor Radchenko 1/15/23 1 1
[PATCH] Don't reset `org-todo-keywords-for-agenda' when org-agenda-multi Tim Ruffing 3/9/23 1 6
[PATCH] * lisp/org/ox.el (org-export-dictionary): Update German entries  (patch) Philip Kaludercic 10/5/24 1 3 🟥
Re: [PATCH] ob-comint,R,python: Options for more robust non-async session output  (patch) Jack Kamm 10/21/24 3 5
[PATCH] doc/ Document `org-latex-src-block-backend'  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 5/12/23 2 5
Re: Org-cite: Replace basic follow-processor with transient menu?  (patch) Tor-björn Claesson 11/12/24 5 41
Re: [PATCH] Capitalize JavaScript correctly  (patch) Rudolf Adamkovič 3/25/25 2 4
[BUG] Incorrect time calculation in agenda clockcheck  (patch) Raffael Stocker 5/15/24 1 3
[PATCH] Add buffer-local setting to request specific ESS process/session name (was: [PATCH] Set Python shell in Org edit buffer)  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 1/21/24 2 8
inline-special-block with full implementation for LaTeX backend  (patch) Juan Manuel Macías 2/23/24 1 1
[PATCH v4] Add compat.el support to Org (was: [POLL] Use compat.el in Org? (was: Useful package? Compat.el))  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 4/30/23 5 6
Re: [PATCH v2] Inline image display as part of a new org-link-preview system  (patch) Karthik Chikmagalur 8/31/24 10 34
Re: [BUG] ox-html does not export captions of source blocks without language  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 1/16/23 1 11
Re: [BUG] Got error opening existing org file in emacs 30.1 [9.7.11 (release_9.7.11 @ /usr/share/emacs/30.1/lisp/org/)]  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 3/16/25 1 3
Re: [PATCH v4] Inline image display as part of a new org-link-preview system  (patch) Karthik Chikmagalur 9/15/24 8 21
Re: [ANN] lisp/ob-tangle-sync.el  (patch) Mehmet Tekman 11/10/23 1 12
Re: org-persist-write:index takes minutes to run  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 3/18/25 1 2
Re: [PATCH] Async sessions: Fix prompt removal regression in ob-R  (patch) Jack Kamm 10/15/24 4 9
Re: Is this proper time format?  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 6/17/23 4 6
Adding support for arxiv type link  (patch) Hammer Hu 12/18/23 1 2
[PATCH worg v2] Fix broken link to source. Suhail Singh 11/29/24 1 9
[PATCH] [BUG] Support attr_html in source code and fixed-width blocks  (patch) Suhail Singh 6/18/24 1 14
[RFC] Limit inline image width by default (was: feature request: easy embedding of images)  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 3/23/23 1 4
Re: [FR] yank media: allow customization of absolute path a filter for type candidates  (patch) Visuwesh 2/25/25 2 5
[PATCH] ob-comint,R,python: Options for more robust non-async session output  (patch) Jack Kamm 10/18/24 3 7
Re: bizarre: checkbox in properties, counting does not work with subheadings  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 1/29/24 1 2
[PATCH v2] doc/ (Summary): Clarify the Org markup is human-readable  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 1/5/24 1 5
Re: [BUG] shell sessions started outside of Babel broken  (patch) Jack Kamm 3/25/23 3 2
Re: [BUG] org-clock-auto-clockout does not actually use x11idle on X11 [9.6.8 (release_9.6.8-3-g21171d @ /usr/share/emacs/30.0.50/lisp/org/)]  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 12/4/23 1 2
Re: Summation of effort estimates in columnview dblock  (patch) Alexander Adolf via General discussions about Org-mode. 8/20/24 2 5
Re: [BUG] WORG example for ob-lilypond is no longer working as described (was: Moving some lisp/ob-*.el files to org-contrib - your advice?)  (patch) Jonathan Gregory 7/19/23 4 27
[PATCH] `org-ctags-create-tags` creates empty TAGS file [9.6.15 (release_9.6.15 @ /home/martin/Projects/emacs/lisp/org/)]  (patch) Martin Marshall 2/9/24 1 4 🟥
Re: [PATCH] Highlight ANSI sequences in the whole buffer (was [PATCH] ANSI color on example blocks and fixed width elements)  (patch) Nathaniel Nicandro 1/17/24 4 14
Re: the opposite of the noexport tag  (patch) Ihor Radchenko 10/24/23 3 5
Re: noweb-start and noweb-end header args  (patch) termux 3/5/24 1 1
Re: [PATCH] ob-python: support header argument `:results file graphics'  (patch) Jack Kamm 7/6/23 1 7
[PATCH] org.el: Respect org-extend-today-until in timestamps with ++ Valentin Herrmann via General discussions about Org-mode. 8/16/23 1 1
Re: Add 'readonly' option to ob-sqlite  (patch) dmg 6/23/24 1 2
[PATCH] Support building Org from shallow clone [9.6.1 (release_9.6.1-137-gecb62e @ /home/n/.emacs.d/elpaca/builds/org/)]  (patch) No Wayman 1/15/23 6 12
[BUG] org-agenda-tree-to-indirect-buffer does not respect org-indirect-buffer-display value JV 5/9/24 1 2 🟥
[BUG] with org-agenda not loading properly after the diff command 1/16/24 1 2
[BUG] org-lint shows strange spurious message before exporting to LaTeX 1/4/24 1 1
[BUG] RFE: Including src-blocks from different files when tangling the code [9.5.5 (release_9.5.5 @ /usr/share/emacs/28.2/lisp/org/)] Garid Z. 4/22/23 1 2 🟥
[BUG] Dead link in the org documentation Dima Kogan 6/7/23 1 2 🟥
[BUG] Html making 'ltximg' directory in source folder, rather than out folder [9.7.11 (release_9.7.11 @ /home/pranshu/Documents/appsource/emacs/lisp/org/)] Pranshu Sharma 12/7/24 2 4 🟥
[BUG] The org-indent-drawer function does not work for drawers in plain lists since commit af300bd5b Vins Xiro 2/22/25 1 3
[BUG] parser error [9.6.1 ( @ /home/clayton/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.6.1/)] Clayton Bennett 11/3/24 1 3 🟥
[BUG] Linking SCHEDULED and DEADLINE repeating timestamps to avoid desynchronization Ihor Radchenko 4/27/23 1 2
[BUG] List: org-shiftright brake list by indentation. Patch. [9.6.28 ( @ /home/u/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.6.28/)] 7/10/24 1 4 🟥
[BUG] Org parser error Invalid search bound (wrong side of point) [9.7 (9.7-??-7a6bb0904 @ /Users/dougheadley/.config/emacs/.local/straight/build-29.2/org/)] Doug Headley via General discussions about Org-mode. 2/16/24 1 2
[BUG] Org mode freeze in combination with recovery notification [9.7.11 (release_9.7.11 @ /Applications/MacPorts/] Jordan Ellis Coppard 11/13/24 1 5
[BUG] WORG example for ob-lilypond is no longer working as described (was: Moving some lisp/ob-*.el files to org-contrib - your advice?) Ihor Radchenko 7/12/23 3 33
[BUG] Invalid search bound (wrong side of point) [9.6.6 (release_9.6.6 @ c:/Program Files/Emacs/emacs-29.1/share/emacs/29.1/lisp/org/)] 1/19/24 1 2
[BUG] [WORG] Spurious file: [9.7-pre (release_9.6.16-1057-gdea778 @ /home/yantar92/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)] Ihor Radchenko 1/12/24 1 3
[BUG] results from org-prepare-dblock make clocktable unusable Mark A. Hershberger 9/7/24 1 6
[BUG] Filling in source blocks fills by region, not paragraph [9.5.5 (release_9.5.5/master)] Farblos 4/29/23 1 2 🟥
[BUG] org-mobile: Arguments of expand-file-name are flipped [9.6.20 ( @ /home/fb/.config/emacs/elpa/org-9.6.20/)] Fabian Brosda 3/5/24 1 2 🟥
[BUG] No font lock in src blocks for shells in org-babel-shell-names (was Re: Font lock for org-babel shell scripts?) Matt 3/28/23 2 18
[BUG] Undo eats buffer [9.7-pre (release_9.6.10-888-g098f08 @ /home/kdm/local/src/org-mode/lisp/)] Ken Mankoff 10/26/23 1 3
[BUG] org-latex-preview with custom sty file chris 4/11/23 1 2
[BUG] org :extend property bugfix does not work [9.7 (9.7-??-388ba5b @ /home/st/.config/emacs/.local/straight/build-30.0.50/org/)] StrawberryTea 2/18/24 1 4
[BUG] Org agenda misbehaves in a side window [9.5 (9.5-g0a86ad @ /home/zellerin/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.5/)] Tomas Zellerin 1/5/23 1 5 🟨
[BUG] Cannot toggle the display of inline images [9.6.6 (release_9.6.6 @ /usr/local/share/emacs/29.1/lisp/org/)] Eli Qian 8/1/23 1 2 🟥
[BUG] org-id-find might change the major-mode of a buffer [9.8-pre (release_9.7.8-713-g62cbac @ /home/viz/lib/emacs/straight/build/org/)] Visuwesh 9/17/24 2 6
[BUG] conda doesn't work in ob-shell sessions Matt 2/13/23 3 14
[BUG] org-element--cache parser error [9.6.6 (release_9.6.6 @ /usr/share/emacs/30.0.50/lisp/org/)] Ilja Kocken 7/21/23 1 2
[BUG] org-paste-subtree level when point is in the middle of a heading (was: Make org-paste-subtree more predictable and useful) Ihor Radchenko 1/20/23 1 2
[BUG] LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8 org-clock "not at timestamp" Ruijie Yu via General discussions about Org-mode. 4/23/23 1 2 🟥
[BUG] org-fast-tag-selection-include-todo is documented in the manual, but its docstring says that it is undocumented [9.7-pre (release_9.6.15-1039-gc00217 @ /home/yantar92/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)] Ihor Radchenko 1/9/24 1 2 🟥
[BUG] Get "Args out of range" when trying to link heading with completion from inside a footnote 11/30/23 1 3
[BUG] org-element-context doesn't recognize link inside property drawer [9.6.6 (release_9.6.6 @ /usr/local/share/emacs/29.1/lisp/org/)] Gustavo Barros 9/22/23 1 4
[BUG] CUSTOM_id ignored on blocks by ox-beamer Ihor Radchenko 1/5/23 1 6
[BUG] org-persist--refresh-gc-lock now showing up after update to 30.1 [9.7.24 (9.7.24-7fa7a5 @ /Users/cchoi/.config/emacs/elpa/org-9.7.24/)] Charles Choi 3/4/25 1 2
[BUG] org-babel-header-arg-expand is rather cavalier about "appropriate context" [9.8-pre (release_9.7.10-127-g07dd3b @ /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/org/)] Nick Dokos 9/29/24 2 6 🟥
[BUG] org-manual: Using bookmarklet for org-capture is no longer reliable (was: Firefox permission dialog and org-protocol) Ihor Radchenko 1/30/23 1 9
[BUG] URI handling is overly complicated and nonstandard [9.6.7 (N/A @ /gnu/store/mg7223g8mw90lccp6mm5g6f3mpjk70si-emacs-org-9.6.7/share/emacs/site-lisp/org-9.6.7/)] Csepp 8/31/23 4 42
[BUG] Org babel overwriting source block outputs when using async + session Elle Najt 3/25/25 1 2
[BUG] ob-maxima outputs linenum:0 in results on MacOS (was: [BUG] export blocks no longer fontifying [9.7.10 (release_9.7.10 @ /Users/ben/Scripts/emacs/lisp/org/)]) Ihor Radchenko 12/8/24 1 15
[BUG] Prompt appears in async shell results Matt 2/4/24 1 9 🟨
[BUG] Clock malfunction -- Cannot process task file after update [9.7.2 (release_N/A-N/A-88dd2c @ /home/rknyman/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.7.2/)] Robert Nyman 6/9/24 1 8
[BUG] No space after footnote with org-export-with-footnotes set to nil [9.6.1 ( @ /Users/test/.emacs.d/elpa/28.0/develop/org-9.6.1/)] Andrea Lazzarini 3/3/23 3 22 🟨
[BUG] bulk todo state changing only adds state change log to the last entry [9.6.15 (release_9.6.15 @ /opt/homebrew/Cellar/emacs-plus@29/29.4/share/emacs/29.4/lisp/org/)] Peter Solodov 8/20/24 1 2 🟨
[BUG] Compilation warnings when making main @ d5ee33fed8dd80d3f9f9811d86a73827fde80780 Jens Schmidt 8/24/23 1 4
[BUG] Org parser error [9.6.15 (release_9.6.15 @ /snap/emacs/current/usr/share/emacs/29.4/lisp/org/)] Nina Lanyon 7/17/24 1 2
[BUG] `org-open-at-point' surprisingly asks for tags table [9.7-pre (release_9.6.7-640-ga18ebc @ /home/jschmidt/work/org-mode/lisp/)] Jens Schmidt 8/8/23 1 3
[BUG] org-capture, level-2 heading, org-set-tags-command [9.6.6 ( @ /Users/pu/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.6.6/)] Patrick Useldinger 5/20/23 1 12
[BUG] org-icalendar-include-todo keyword doesn't include entries with keyword [9.7-pre (release_9.6.8-785-g72bbf8.dirty @ /home/bidar/.local/private/etc/emacs/lib/org/lisp/)] Björn Bidar 10/21/23 1 1
[BUG] Emphasized text in *HEADLINE link target leaks through invisible text [9.8-pre (release_9.7.6-107-gf21415 @ /home/jschmidt/work/org-mode/lisp/)] Jens Schmidt 7/16/24 1 2 🟨
[BUG] Consider replacing bachload with batch in ob-maxima. [9.6.6 (release_9.6.6 @ /usr/share/emacs/30.0.50/lisp/org/)] Lockywolf 9/1/23 1 22
[BUG] Numeric priorities only partially supported Tommy Jollyboat 10/13/24 1 2 🟨
[BUG] Org-image-max-width doesn't account for org-indent-mode [9.7.8 (9.7.8-7f2ce8 @ /tmp/bug/elpa/org-9.7.8/)] Sean Devlin 7/31/24 1 3 🟥
[BUG] Org parser error in org-ai [9.6.5 (release_9.6.5-3-g2993f4 @ /usr/local/Cellar/emacs-plus@29/29.0.90/share/emacs/29.0.90/lisp/org/)] Mariusz Klochowicz 6/30/23 1 2
[BUG] org sub tree sort broken [9.7-pre (release_9.6.10-827-ge15699 @ /home/d/src/git-org-mode/lisp/)] Daniel Ortmann 10/11/23 1 3 🟥
[BUG] ob-R tests fail on Emacs 27 since ESS commit 536b5b914a7 [9.7-pre (release_9.6.4-318-gcfe5e0.dirty @ /home/yantar92/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)] Ihor Radchenko 4/17/23 2 6
[BUG] odt export of 'utf-8-with-signature-unix' file is 'corrupt' [9.6.15 (release_9.6.15 @ /usr/local/share/emacs/29.4.50/lisp/org/)] Amy Grinn 11/13/24 1 2 🟥
[BUG] Updating first subheading checkbox cookie resets parent cookie Bruno Cardoso 6/16/24 1 2 🟥
[BUG] org-clock-in opens buffers for all agenda files Tom Gillespie 1/21/23 1 1
[BUG] org-link-preview-file emits image not supported in daemon [9.8-pre (release_9.7.10-127-g07dd3b @ /home/bidar/.local/etc/emacs/lib/org/lisp/)] Björn Bidar 12/2/24 2 12
[BUG] Org-LaTeX-export: >> and << (inside of ~code~/=verbatim=) gets exported to single monospace symbol instead of 2 monospace symbols [9.5.5 (release_9.5.5 @ /usr/share/emacs/28.2/lisp/org/)] Garid Z. 4/18/23 1 7 🟥
[BUG] org-get-outline-path misbehave in some scenarios when org-element-use-cache is t Inbox Rodrigo Morales 8/15/23 1 3 🟥
[BUG] Table alignment fails for long lines [9.6.12 ( @ /home/rst/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.6.12/)] Raffael Stocker 12/5/23 1 3 🟥
[BUG] Unable to insert inline or anonymous footnotes unless indented [9.7.11 (9.7.11-6a5d0e @ /home/user/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.7.11/)] Suhail Singh 10/1/24 1 4 🟥
[BUG] org, ispell [9.6.6 (release_9.6.6 @ /Applications/] Bastien Guerry 5/12/24 1 1 🟥
[BUG] org-open-line in tables broken with stripe-table-mode [9.6.1 (release_9.6.1 @ /usr/share/emacs/29.0.60/lisp/org/)] Thomas Schneider 1/19/23 1 2 🟥
[BUG] Regression: org-duration fails to support duration ranges since Org 9.0.6 (was: support range durations) Ihor Radchenko 9/22/24 1 2
[BUG] ob-shell async incorrect table and value results Matt 3/6/24 1 3 🟨
[BUG] or-element-cache [9.6.13 ( @ /home/boudiccas/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.6.13/)] Sharon Kimble 12/16/23 1 2
[BUG] Warning (org-element): org-element--cache: Warning( Org parser error in Resetting. [9.8-pre (release_9.7.6-101-g4f6aab @ /home/grfz/src/org-mode/lisp/)] Gregor Zattler 7/15/24 1 1
[BUG] ox-odt messes with auto-mode-alist [9.7-pre (release_9.6.11-1090-g76468c.dirty @ /home/viz/lib/emacs/straight/build/org/)] Visuwesh 2/16/24 1 3 🟥
[BUG] 30.1; regression to 29.4 org-mode wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p nil [9.7.11 (release_9.7.11 @ /usr/share/emacs/30.1/lisp/org/)] Evgeniy Dushistov via General discussions about Org-mode. 2/21/25 1 2
[BUG] error that came up that freezes the cycle of opening subtrees [9.6.6 (release_9.6.6 @ /snap/emacs/current/usr/share/emacs/29.1/lisp/org/)] Matthew Nelson Hendryx 10/16/23 1 2
[BUG] Inconsistent org-babel tangle behaviour Thibaut Meyer via General discussions about Org-mode. 12/12/24 1 4
[BUG] Point position with org-open-at-point on a heading [9.6.6 (release_9.6.6 @ /usr/local/share/emacs/29.1/lisp/org/)] Gustavo Barros 9/22/23 2 6
[BUG] org-element-cache (Org parser error "Invalid search bound (wrong side of point) [9.7 (9.7-??-e90a8a69a @ /home/] Andrew Jensen 12/5/23 1 4 🟥
[BUG]: contradictory requirements between resolving links and noweb result block 2/2/24 1 4
[BUG] No newline at end of exported HTML file [9.6.6 (release_9.6.6 @ /Applications/MacPorts/] YE 10/6/23 3 5
[BUG] FAILED test-ob-python/session-multiline Ihor Radchenko 8/26/23 1 10
[BUG] Broken read-multiple-choice help in DND local file handler [9.7.2 (release_9.7.2-8-gde0df5)] Johann Klähn 6/12/24 1 2 🟥
[BUG] Shifting timestamp hours around daylight transition (was: Clock dates - org-shiftdown not working) Ihor Radchenko 3/28/23 1 1
[BUG] - org-agenda log view does not conform to org-timestamp-formats Tebe Nigrelli 12/27/23 1 3 🟥
[BUG] org parser error [9.6.1 (9.6.1-g351279 @ /home/mah/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)] Mark A. Hershberger 2/26/23 1 5 🟥
[BUG] Asked to submit bug report: parse error? [9.7-pre (release_9.6.11-935-g6d7c79 @ /Users/apc/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)] Alejandro Pérez Carballo 1/24/24 1 2
[BUG] Recursive dependency when gnuplot added to org-babel-load-languages [9.1.13 (release_9.1.13-791-g842002 @ /home/hugh/git/org-mode/lisp/)] 2/12/24 1 4
[BUG] incorrect org-mode dynamic blocks docs [9.5.4 (release_9.5.4-3-g6dc785 @ /usr/local/share/emacs/29.0.50/lisp/org/)] 6/30/23 1 3 🟥
[BUG] org-appear error after uninstalled [9.8-pre (release_N/A-N/A-c426f4) Kepa 7/15/24 1 2 🟥
[BUG] org-habit does not respect STYLE property inheritance Дмитрий Логвиненко 5/3/23 2 10
[BUG] Inactive interval is not correctly displayed in agenda view (was: [BUG?] Org-agenda doesn't work with this error : Search failed: "\<SCHEDULED: *<\([^>]+\)>") Ihor Radchenko 10/10/23 1 4
[BUG] orgalist send bug Rustom Mody 6/14/24 1 17
[BUG] FAQ asnwer for "How can I use arbitrary colors for words/sentences in HTML export?" is outdated Ihor Radchenko 2/18/23 1 10 🟥
[BUG] Can't export bold html correctly after change org-emphasis-regexp-components [9.6.6 (release_9.6.6 @ /Applications/] Haojun Bao 11/4/23 1 3 🟥
[BUG] `org-delete-char` and `org-delete-backward-char` don't respect `delete-active-region` Okamsn 6/20/23 1 3
[BUG] org-babel-tangle: Header arg `:comments org' produces no comment in the output [9.7-pre (release_9.6.6-418-g294a4d @ /home/nick/src/emacs/org/org-mode/lisp/)] Nick Dokos 6/21/23 1 5 🟥
[BUG] org-cycle-show-empty-lines doesn't show empty lines at end of file [9.7.19 (9.7.19-5a4686 @ /home/aragaer/.config/emacs/elpa/org-9.7.19/)] Ilya Konovalov 1/22/25 1 2 🟥
[BUG] Flyspell triggers "Warning (org-element-cache): org-element--cache" [9.6.18 ( @ /home/mwillcock/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.6.18/)] Morgan Willcock 2/9/24 1 6
[BUG] org-indent-mode breaks source block indent fluentpwn 7/5/23 1 1
[BUG] org-element-cache warning while capturing [9.6 (release_9.6-204-g2f7052.dirty @ /home/grfz/src/org-mode/lisp/)] Gregor Zattler 1/10/23 1 1
[BUG] ob-shell may use /bin/sh instead of the specified shell when :cmdline is provided (was: [PATCH] Re: [BUG] ob-shell: :shebang changes interpretation of :cmdline) Ihor Radchenko 6/27/24 1 2
[BUG] org-cite-insert only searches on truncate author list Ihor Radchenko 1/17/23 1 2
[BLOG] Test Bastien 5/9/24 1 1 🟥
[BLOG] #12 [[bbb:OrgMeetup]] on Wed, Oct 9, 19:00 UTC+3 Ihor Radchenko 10/26/24 1 1
[BLOG] Org Capturing Introduction Bastien Guerry 2/26/24 1 1
[ANN] Ihor is now officially the new Org maintainer Bastien 12/7/24 1 9